Free Preschool
Tuition-free Preschool enrollment for 2025-26 is now open!
Tuition-free preschool is available through Michigan's Great Start Readiness Program, which is ranked as the best in the country for quality! There are nearly 100 classrooms located in many school buildings and community-based organizations in Kent County and beyond. And the best news? This high-quality preschool program is for all children who turn 4 by December 1, 2025, and it's tuition-free for all families!
Enrollment opens for the new school year on Monday, March 3. Placements begin on March 7 and will be made weekly on Wednesdays going forward.
Most locations provide preschool Monday-Thursday during the school year. Some locations provide Monday-Friday preschool.
What You Will Need to Enroll
The following documentation is required:
- Proof of birth - copy of legal birth certificate, passport, hospital record, baptismal record or other government form
- Proof of income - income tax form, W-2, pay stub, unemployment, written statement from employer, foster care reimbursement, SSI documentation, child support, alimony or pensions
- Proof of residency - driver's license with current address, current utility bill, rent receipt, tax bill or land contract
- Immunization Record or signed waiver from the Health Department
- IEP if necessary
Documents can be emailed to or mailed to -
864 Crahen NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525
Preschool Intake staff can be reached at 616.447.2409 to help with any questions. Press 1 for English, Para español, oprima el número 9.
You will be contacted by email as soon as your child's classroom placement is determined.